
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

“It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.” John 15:16

"Chosen and Appointed: Bearing Fruit in Prayer"

In John 15:16, Jesus imparts profound truths about divine election, purpose, and the efficacy of prayer, inviting believers into a deeper understanding of their identity and calling.

  1. Divine Election: Jesus reveals that it was not by human initiative that his disciples were chosen but by his own sovereign choice. This divine election emphasizes God's grace and initiative in calling individuals into a relationship with him, highlighting the unmerited favour bestowed upon believers.

  2. Purposeful Appointment: Jesus appoints his disciples with a specific purpose—to go and bear fruit that will remain. This commission underscores the significance of fruitfulness in the Christian life, wherein believers are called to produce lasting spiritual impact through their words, actions, and witness.

  3. Eternal Significance: The fruit borne by believers is not transient or fleeting but possesses enduring value in the kingdom of God. It reflects the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in their lives and contributes to the advancement of God's redemptive purposes in the world.

  4. Prayerful Access: Jesus assures his disciples that their appointed task is accompanied by the promise of answered prayer. Through their union with Christ and alignment with his will, believers are granted access to the Father, enabling them to petition Him with confidence and expectancy.

  5. Dependency on Christ: The efficacy of prayer in Jesus' name underscores the indispensable role of Christ in the believer's spiritual life and ministry. As branches dependent on the vine, believers derive their sustenance, strength, and authority from their union with Christ, facilitating a fruitful and prayerful existence.

  6. Intimacy with the Father: Prayer in Jesus' name facilitates intimate communion with the Father, wherein believers can intercede, seek guidance, and express their deepest desires in alignment with God's purposes. This relational dynamic fosters a deepening intimacy with God and a growing conformity to Christ's likeness.

  7. Stewardship of Calling: Recognizing the privilege of divine election and appointment, believers are called to steward their calling faithfully, bearing fruit that glorifies God and contributes to the expansion of His kingdom. This entails a life characterized by obedience, faithfulness, and dependence on the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.

As we reflect on John 15:16, may we embrace our identity as chosen and appointed bearers of eternal fruit, stewarding our calling with humility, faithfulness, and fervent prayer, to the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.


Heavenly Father,
In light of John 15:16, we humbly acknowledge that it is through your divine choice and appointment that we have been called to bear lasting fruit. Grant us the grace to fulfill this purpose with faithfulness and diligence, as we abide in Christ and depend on the power of your Spirit. May our prayers be offered in alignment with your will, knowing that you hear and answer according to your steadfast love, for the glory of your name. Amen.


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