
15 May , 2024 - Wednesday of the Seventh Week of Easter - Reflection

“I gave them your word, and the world hated them because they do not belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the Evil One.”  John 17:14–15

Discerning Spiritual Influences: Navigating the Deceptions of the Evil One
  1. The reality of the evil one: The Scripture reveals the existence of the evil one, traditionally known as Lucifer or "the devil," who holds a significant influence over fallen angels and seeks to communicate confusion and lies to humanity.

  2. Fallen angels' power of influence: Despite their fallen state, these angelic creatures retain the power of influence and suggestive thought, using it to lead individuals away from God's truth and toward sin.

  3. Discernment of spirits: Saint Ignatius of Loyola provides insights into discerning the influence of the evil one and discerning the promptings of grace from God. When a person is immersed in sin, the evil one and demons entice them with apparent pleasures, while God and good angels prick their conscience to draw them away from sin. Conversely, when a person is growing in holiness, God and good angels provide courage and strength to overcome obstacles.

  4. Spiritual lessons for daily living: Understanding the tactics of the evil one and discerning God's promptings bring clarity and direction to daily life. By recognizing these spiritual dynamics, individuals can combat lies and deceptions, striving for holiness and resisting sin with God's assistance.

  5. Assurance of God's awareness and assistance: The Scripture passage emphasizes that God is fully aware of the workings of the evil one and has prayed for believers' protection. As individuals engage in the daily struggle against sin and pursue holiness, they can trust in God's guidance and assistance.


Heavenly Father,
During spiritual battles and the deceptions of the evil one, we seek your guidance and protection. Grant us the wisdom to discern between truth and falsehood, and the strength to resist the temptations that seek to lead us astray. May your Holy Spirit illuminate our hearts and minds, guiding us in the path of righteousness and empowering us to live according to your will. Keep us steadfast in the faith, knowing that you are our refuge and strength in times of trial. Amen.

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