
May 4, 2024 - Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter - Reflection

“You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.” John 15:14–15

"Authentic Friendship: Reflecting on John 15:14–15"


  1. Jesus' Unique Definition of Friendship: Jesus challenges conventional notions of friendship by emphasizing the importance of obedience to His commands as the basis of true friendship. This understanding may initially seem unconventional, but it reveals the depth of intimacy and trust He desires to share with His followers.

  2. The Truth as the Foundation of Friendship: Jesus, as the embodiment of Truth, establishes the foundation of authentic friendship on the principles of love, goodness, and selflessness. His commands are not arbitrary rules but pathways to genuine human flourishing and communion with God.

  3. The Role of God's Will in Friendships: Just as our friendship with Jesus is rooted in obedience to His will, our relationships with others should also reflect the divine standard of love and mercy. By aligning our friendships with God's will, we ensure that they are founded on principles of truth, compassion, and mutual respect.

  4. Exercising Discernment in Friendships: Reflecting on Jesus' definition of friendship prompts us to evaluate the quality and integrity of our relationships. Are our friendships characterized by selfless love, honesty, and a commitment to virtue? Discernment is essential in cultivating friendships that nurture our spiritual growth and reflect God's love.

  5. Seeking Deep Fulfillment in Friendship with God: Ultimately, our friendship with Jesus serves as the model and source of fulfillment for all other relationships. By embracing His commandments of love and obedience, we open ourselves to the transformative power of divine friendship and experience the joy of authentic communion with God and others.

Lord Jesus, You call us to a friendship rooted in love and obedience to Your holy will. Help us to embrace this divine invitation and to cultivate friendships that reflect Your truth and goodness. Guide us in discerning the quality of our relationships and grant us the grace to deepen our friendship with You and others. May our friendships be a source of joy, fulfillment, and witness to Your love in the world. Amen.

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