
10 May 2024 - Friday before Ascension Sunday - Readings

Saint John of Ávila, Priest, Doctor 
Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II)

Readings at Mass

First reading
Acts 18:9-18 

'I have many people on my side in this city'

At Corinth one night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision, ‘Do not be afraid to speak out, nor allow yourself to be silenced: I am with you. I have so many people on my side in this city that no one will even attempt to hurt you.’ So Paul stayed there preaching the word of God among them for eighteen months.
    But, while Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews made a concerted attack on Paul and brought him before the tribunal. ‘We accuse this man’ they said ‘of persuading people to worship God in a way that breaks the Law.’ Before Paul could open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, ‘Listen, you Jews. If this were a misdemeanour or a crime, I would not hesitate to attend to you; but if it is only quibbles about words and names, and about your own Law, then you must deal with it yourselves – I have no intention of making legal decisions about things like that.’ Then he sent them out of the court, and at once they all turned on Sosthenes, the synagogue president, and beat him in front of the courthouse. Gallio refused to take any notice at all.
    After staying on for some time, Paul took leave of the brothers and sailed for Syria, accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila. At Cenchreae he had his hair cut off, because of a vow he had made.


"Divine Assurance in Corinth: God's Encouragement to Paul"

  1. Divine Revelation: In Acts 18:9-10, the Lord appears to Paul in a vision, providing assurance and encouragement during his ministry in Corinth.

  2. Divine Protection: God assures Paul of his protection, promising that no harm will come to him amidst the opposition and threats he faces in Corinth.

  3. Divine Purpose: The Lord reveals his divine purpose for Paul's presence in Corinth, affirming that he has many people in the city who belong to him and are receptive to the gospel message.

  4. Divine Encouragement: Paul receives divine encouragement to continue boldly proclaiming the gospel, despite the challenges and resistance he encounters.

  5. Divine Intervention: God's providential intervention is evident as Paul's accusers are brought to justice, and he is allowed to continue his ministry in Corinth with the support and protection of the authorities.


Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 46(47):2-7

God is king of all the earth.

All people, clap your hands,
    cry to God with shouts of joy!
For the Lord, the Most High, we must fear,
    great king over all the earth.

God is king of all the earth.

He subdues people under us
    and nations under our feet.
Our inheritance, our glory, is from him,
    given to Jacob out of love.

God is king of all the earth.

God goes up with shouts of joy;
    the Lord goes up with trumpet blast.
Sing praise for God, sing praise,
    sing praise to our king, sing praise.

God is king of all the earth.

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia!
Christ has risen, he who created all things,
and has granted his mercy to men.

John 16:20-23

Your hearts will be full of joy that no one will take from you

Jesus said to his disciples:

‘I tell you most solemnly,
you will be weeping and wailing
while the world will rejoice;
you will be sorrowful,
but your sorrow will turn to joy.
A woman in childbirth suffers,
because her time has come;
but when she has given birth to the child she forgets the suffering
in her joy that a man has been born into the world.
So it is with you: you are sad now,
but I shall see you again, and your hearts will be full of joy,
and that joy no one shall take from you.
When that day comes,
you will not ask me any questions.’


"Unshakable Joy: The Promise of Eternal Gladness"

  1. Temporary Sorrow, Eternal Joy: Jesus reassures his disciples that though they will endure temporary sorrow, their sorrow will ultimately give way to an abiding and unshakeable joy.

  2. Joy Beyond Circumstances: This joy is not dependent on external circumstances but is rooted in the eternal promises of God, transcending earthly trials and tribulations.

  3. Indestructible Gladness: Jesus emphasizes the permanence of this joy, stating that no one can take it away from them. It is a joy that is secure, unassailable, and enduring.

  4. Source of Joy: The source of this joy is found in the presence of Jesus himself. As the disciples abide in him and remain connected to him through prayer, they will experience the fullness of joy that he offers.

  5. Prayerful Access to Joy: Jesus encourages his disciples to ask the Father in his name, promising that their prayers will be answered and their joy will be complete. Through prayerful communion with God, believers can access the inexhaustible reservoirs of joy that flow from the presence of Jesus.

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